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Botox - Beauty, Divorce and Depression

Botox divorces

In my work I have come across several instances of relationships breaking down as a result of loss of an information channel. Most are as a result of one of the partners becoming deaf, however two such cases were due, in my opinion, to loss of facial expression resulting from nerve damage. 

Communication is not just about speech, body language and facial expression are every bit as important. I predict that many of the wrinkle-free and po-faced people one sees coming out of the clinics are heading for trouble. Fortunately these fads are short-lived. -- Karl Marcus

Botox - Depression

According to researcher Dr Judith Grub and a team based in Holland; Botox can cause depression. This happens because the muscle paralysis caused by the Botox prevent a proper expression of emotion. This inability to express emotions results in a bottling up of feelings explains the researchers.

"Many people think, 'Oh, it's just botox - I can get it in my lunch break.' But they forget that there may be side-effects," says Grub - Ed

A man to consult his health must check his appetite -- Luigi Cornaro

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